Saturday 14 January 2012

Ushuaia once more!

Ushuaia, the southernmost town in the world (as they claim), always means one thing for our ship:
Turnaround time!
For the staff, this is the busiest day of each trip. All cabins have to be cleaned, the luggage has to be distributed, information on boards is replaced… and hundreds of other things are being taken care of.
One minute we wave goodbye to the passengers with whom we shared so many exciting moments during the last few days and the next moment we are already welcoming our new guests. As they arrive and get familiar with the vessel, we too start to get excited about the new trip that lies ahead of us.
How is the weather going to be this time? Will we see any whales? Will we encounter a lot of ice? Each voyage is different, each one unique. That is why Antarctica is such a special destination. And that is why even for the expedition members, some of us with 30,40, 50 or even more trips to the white continent, the fascination and expectation remains . We cannot wait to share our passion for the polar regions - once more!